About GBP Dental by Casa Denti

Meet Our Specialists
The GBP DENTAL team is made up of a group of talented dentists who will be able to solve any kind of problem in the dental field.

Dr. Tommaso Porrà

Dr. Dan Tripsa

Dr. Salvatore Chinnici

Dr. Andrea Balica

Dr. Loredana Cuc

Dr. Andrei Naiche
“Cei mai buni specialisti!”

Steluta Farkas
Frequently asked questions
Can it happen that the body rejects a dental implant, if so, how frequently does such a thing occur?
After an implant is inserted in the jaw bone, it can happen that it does not integrate with the bone like it should. This occurs in only 3% of the cases. However, this does not pose an irresolvable problem; if this is the case, the implant is taken out and replaced with a larger implant.
Are there any specific conditions that do not permit to undergo implant surgery?
An implant, to be correctly placed, requires enough width and height of the jaw bone which acts as the support to the implant. Also, if an implant is placed between two adjacent teeth, it needs at least 7 mm of space between each tooth.
There are a few contraindications to implant surgery, such as periodontitis and osteoporosis. However, these can be successfully evaded by bone tissue reconstruction where it’s missing or damaged.
How do I take care of my dental implants?
In order to preserve the implants, you have to regularly maintain a thorough oral hygiene routine with includes interdental brushing, the use of water picks and specific mouthwashes which helps kill oral bacteria.
Implants, as well as your natural teeth, should be brushed and cleaned at least three times a day.
How long do dental implants last and can a person be subjected to implant surgery at any age?
If taken care of, dental implants can last a whole lifetime. The minimum age for dental implants is 18 years of age or when the specialists determines that the development of the bone structure of a patient is full. There is no maximum age limit to implantology.
What is the right age to take my child for a first dental visit?
It is recommended that you take your child for a first dental visit after the first year of life, in order for the child to familiarize with the dentist’s office and the dental figure. This helps to prevent a common problem in children simply known as fear of the dentist.
By regularly checking your child’s teeth, the dentist will help prevent any future dental complications which can arise from cavities formed during childhood.
Why does a child need to have cavities removed when his milk teeth will eventually fall out?
Milk teeth cover a key role in maintaining a child’s oral health as it helps them to chew properly and keep the right space needed to permanent teeth to grow and fully develop.
Once a patient undergoes root canal treatment, can he still feel pain in the area in question in the days to come?
After root canal treatment, a patient might feel mild pain in the affected area in the hours or first few days following the treatment. This is due to the drilling and use of disinfecting liquids to treat the tooth.
However, the pain should completely disappear in a matter of two days after you had underwent root canal treatment.
How many times a year should I have my teeth professionally cleaned by a dentist or hygienist?
It is widely recommended that you have your teeth professionally cleaned at least twice a year.
This type of cleaning helps prevent the formation of tartar and allows the dentist to check for cavities while at it.
How can I overcome my uncontrollable fear of the dentist?
If you suffer from anxiety and fear and experience these emotions when you are about to have your teeth treated the best thing is for the dentist to start off with a simple treatment such as professional teeth cleaning. This painless cosmetic treatment might help the patient to feel more at ease while sitting in a dentist’s chair. Once the patient is feeling relaxed and adapts to the environment, the dentist can proceed to treat the patient for cavities or other treatments requiring drilling and anesthesia.
In those few cases when the patient simply can’t get rid of adversed emotions, a mild tranquilizer is used an hour before undergoing necessary treatments.